Visiting Redeemer

We know how hard it can be to visit a new church for the first time. We’re glad you are considering it.

What to Expect

Dress: Casual (the pastor wears jeans)

Day and Time: Every Sunday at 10am

Where? 181 David Rd, Troy, Missouri 63379

We are only 5 minutes from Highway 47! Just take 61 North to Highway KK and head north for 3 miles. Turn left onto Davis Road and we are one mile down on the right. We can’t wait to meet you!

Who Attends? Younger and older, single and married, families with biological kids, adopted or fostered; those who haven’t been to a church in a long time, others that love being a part of an authentic family of believers; family, friends and neighbors; just normal people learning how to treasure Jesus above everything else.

What Happens? We have coffee and donuts before service starts and drinks are welcomed. We usually sing a few songs as a congregation, hear a couple of prayers, listen to a sermon from the Bible, participate in the Lord’s Supper and on occasion we have baptisms.